Monday, February 25, 2008

The Baby was Sick...

I can't believe it's been a week since the last post, and I also can't believe I am going to try and update this once a week. If Nico keeps giving us material to work with, then I can probably maintain this blog. So we will see how he feels about that in the weeks to come when I have studio lights following him like a taping of "The Real World".

All taken at the same time...but he looks different in each one!

As some of you have heard, it turned out to be a little bit of a rough weekend for the baby. We figure he must have gotten a little stomach bug because he was not able to keep anything down this weekend. We felt so sorry for him. He was so scared everytime he got sick, which was a lot withint the first 4 hours. But he is now feeling much better. I think it's working it's way down his system...if you know what I mean.
Not much else really to update on. Auntie Leah is coming out for a week to visit. That will be this Saturday, March 1st. And we will be going to Sammi's birthday party. We'll probably have some pictures from that.
Vito and I decided we were finally going to try the "table clip-on " chair from Auntie Tracy and Uncle Jeff. Geez, did he love it! Okay, so it's not hooked up to the dinner table, but HEY, sometimes the coffee table IS the dinner table. He was having so much fun. I probably could have filmed him for 15 minutes just non-stop squealing.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I'm laughing at the fact that almost a year ago, I tried to start this blog thing. That worked out real well. Hope everyone enjoyed it. The reason I decided to get back into this is because we are hoping to be able to download our videos of Nico. Yes, my last entry ended with me being pregnant with him. And now here we are, with him being 8 months old.

What a year it has been! In the beginning, I thought it was hectic and it would settle down a few months after Nico was born. Well, I was wrong. He just wants to keep growing! But when I see that little smile with those two front teeth, it's all worth it! I know - you all told me!

As for Vito and I, well.... I am just trying to be a stay at home Mom, while continuing to work 30 hours a week at home, take care of the house, the dog, the laundry, the errands, blah, blah, blah. I know - poor me. I truly don't know how so many mothers do it so easily. I am not nominating myself for any awards anytime soon. Vito is busy at work as always. Some days are good and some suck. His favorite part of the day is when he walks in the house and says "Hi Buddy!" and Nico's face just lights up! Nico is always so happy to see him.

That's a brief update. I also wanted to upload some pictures, and hopefully there is a video. Nico has a new trick...and I would like to know where he learned it from. Feel free to leave comments!