Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Beach Baby!

Well this last week was fairly eventful for me. Auntie Leah made it in from the ATL.

And we were able to take Flat Stanley with us for some adventure shots for Cousin Maya's school project. We made it to Cousin Sammi's birthday party, where Nico hung out with the "Denim Mafia" (phrase courtesy of Uncle Ryan) - big thanks to Gigi, Auntie Susan and Auntie Gail for the help! During the week Leah helped me take back ALL of my returns. Why did I need help you ask? Because I had not only bags, but a couple of boxes too (yes, i said boxes - I gave up on EBay). Managed to get in almost all of my work hours, cleaned, went to Viejas, the bay AND relaxed.

So we wanted to take Nico to the bay and get some cute pictures of him. Well, at least pictures in a different setting besides my living room. And I must say, I had a "mommy moment". He couldn't have been any more excited to sit and play in the sand. It just kind of hit me how big he is...or how little he isn't. At the end of this video, right after I stopped recording, he was able to find a small piece of sea grass that made it halfway into his mouth...along with fingers full of sand. He just may be a water baby after all!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This week in Nicoland...

Lots going on. I have so many pictures I could put on this thing. Auntie Leah made it out, so we've been doing as much as we can with her. Nico is in love with her (just as much as with his other Aunties!). It's a constant stare-fest with him and her. They have been getting lots of playtime in. They managed to have another contest between the two of them - who can annoy Mama the quickest. Please see the following video.

Other new updates... We have been introducing new "big kid" foods to Nico. He has become really interested in what everyone is eating. So we try to give him small bits of this and that. We've tried bread, black olives, sweet potato puffs, yogurt, cottage cheese, pizza crust and toast. The toast is a MAJOR hit! So is the pizza crust. He has some new teeth coming in and I'm sure it helps him with that pain.

Here's some more pictures for the Grandparents