Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's Official...

Okay, well only kind of official...but Nico FINALLY took his own steps on the 5th of August. I was so proud of him. As he was just as proud of himself! So what ended up happening is that he took like up to 5 or so steps on his own. For probably this whole week. THEN, i don't know what happened, but he has decided that walking more than 2 steps is just way too much work. The thing is that he loves to walk around using all of his "push" toys. He can almost run when he is holding onto these things. But take them away and it's instant floor-abatics, as I call it. Soon enough as everyone keeps saying.

Also, not that I forgot, but Grand Mama was here to visit! It's been wayyy too long since she has seen him and I think she was surprised at what she saw! It was so hot, but we made do with what we had...which was a cool pair of glasses and and awesome mini-pool! Hey, kids don't know the difference. Especially this one. He thinks they are all a bath! So, I have included some videos and pics. And if you are new to our family blog, then don't forget to read down below!!

1 comment:

Lexi said...

Congrats on the first steps! It is such a fun thing when they start really moving.