Saturday, September 20, 2008

Blog Updates

Okay, here is a random blog....
I have been getting inquiries as to why I follow blogs that aren't my close friends or family.... well, because I like them I suppose. I enjoy seeing what antics other mothers go through. Because it's usually the same as what I am dealing with at the time! So, that is my only reason. Also, for my Amato friends, I have tried to comment on your blog, but it is only available to team members. My sister-in-law thinks that I have made you up. So here is my comment..

I love the new background and picture of Brayden, and I enjoy seeing that our sons do just about the same things at the same age. Keep that cutie smiling!!!!

Auntie should really update you blog with new pics of my youngest niece...I mean seriously, it isn't that hard to take a couple of snaps of the kid and post them. We don't even need you to comment we just want to see her! And my other girl Maya! Miss you all!


Leah said...

Keep the music coming Jan; I don't even need to listen to my ipod!

Amato family said...

You're so sweet for mentioning us in your blog posting. I enjoy reading other blogs as well and seeing what other families are up to. If you'd like to become a "team member" on our blog to be able to leave us comments please let me know and I'll send you an "invite." I just need an email address to send the invite to. You can reach me at Thanks!
