Friday, October 10, 2008

This One's for Papa!

Okay, well for Papa and anyone who loves to just watch Nico, no matter what he is doing. It started out with Vito just recording him with a messy face. But he was in such a good mood that he was talking up a storm. And he had spaghetti sauce all over his face, food all over the tray...just thought it was funny to see him doing what he does every night at dinner. It's a little longer than most videos (1:59 minutes - schedule that in the calendar!), but at the very, very end is a special surprise for Papa! We practiced a lot more after the camera was of, so pronunciation is getting better!

P.S. Sorry for the crappy feed, this was a camera from Vito's work and it doesn't display things as nicely as mine. On the flip side of that, it is a heck of a lot easier to upload things!

Happy Autumn!

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