The Cute
Here is what I had to clean up three times on this day. I know it's my own fault. He just likes being in the kitchen with me a lot, and it's the only thing I don't mind him playing with...well unless I have to clean it up three or more times.
The Bad
Here is what happens when you let Nico eat franks 'n beans:
And here's his new zappado's - which he tripped while wearing every third step!
Take care!
He is too funny, love the walkaround phone conversation, much like Papa too, has to walk but slower these days.....
and the climbing in the cabinet, he is too much, when that hand comes out first it could be Vito's, love it, Nana loves it, helps just a little when I can't shower him with hugs in person, Oh I miss guys too.....
Are those shorts or pants that he's wearing with the new sneaks, again so much like his daddy, shorts were never shorts on him. Janah thanks for doing this blog, it's great. Now come see us soon, pleaseeeeeeeee. Love Nana
He is just like my husband, can't stand still.
It drives me nuts!!
Hysterical! I can't believe how much he has turned into a little man.
At least he's willing to help you clean out the cabinets, now you need to teach him how to run the vacuum!
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