Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lots of Stuff!

Wow, so much stuff has happened in the past month. It started with Vito and I having Strep right after Easter. That was a real treat. And not the good kind you find in the center of a Cadbury egg! Nico was sick...again. It's been once a month every month for the past SIX months!!! Then Nana came out for a visit. We made it to the zoo for Nico's first trip with cousin Sammi and Nana. We took the jogger with the pedometer on it and walked over 4 miles! Sammi was a superstar and walked the entire way without losing steam. Nico basically stayed in the stroller. He was fine when I took him out, but fussed when I had to put him back in, and that wasn't something I wanted to keep doing all day. But he loved watching all the trees and the people and other kids.

Vito and I took a short trip to Vegas. I was hoping to sleep the entire weekend, but I don't know what happened. It must have been all that oxygen they pump through the hotel. We didn't win big or lose big and the price was right for everything!

Then, we got a SURPRISE visit from our Armand clan. Uncle Cody came to town for some business and we were able to see Auntie Lili, Maya and Lola too! Of course the girls love being together, and Nico loves watching them at play, so we were able to get some cute pictures. Lisa and Crissy may have more on their blogs. Check them out. The ones here are of the 4 of them watching a movie together. Comedy all the way around.

AND, during all of this Nico was/has cut a bunch of teeth. There are 4 on the bottom and 1 on the top, with 2 more showing on the top. Actually, I think there is also another one showing on the bottom. For cutting that many at once he wasn't as difficult as I would have expected. But the most exciting thing that has happened is that he is no longer a Roller! He can crawl!!! It's only a few days new to him, but you can already see how excited he is that he has a new mode of getting around.

Stay tuned for another cute video and Nico's 1st school picture! Take care and miss you all!

1 comment:

Leah said...

He's like a fish out of water!