Cousin's Day
Last night we took Nico and his cousin Sammi to the Disney Playhouse Live Tour. What should I start with first? It was okay. I think it was a little under-produced for carrying the Disney name in it's title. I expected more from it. On the other hand, it was so much fun for Vito and I to take them. Sammi just had a blast! Poor Nico...I feel like that's all I say lately. He watched most of it, but he looked miserable doing it! Geez, will these teeth please just come in!!! Draining, just so draining for all of us. After the show, we went to Denny's to eat. Sammi wanted to go. And we had no energy left from dealing with Nico to take them to Chuck E Cheese's. So I made a special call, and found out that they were actually closed until next week because the pizza ovens were broke. Is there a reason I needed to create such a detailed faux phone call for a 4 year old? I think it just made me feel better not to let her down with the truth. Then we came home (finally and thank God!), where my son continued with his miserableness. At last, bath time! We were on the home stretch to putting him to bed. I feel bad that I wanted him to go to bed so badly, but he was also not letting Sammi have any fun with us. Once he was down, Sam and I decided that we were going to put curls in her hair. She's been wanting to use my Velcro rollers so bad. My plan was to put them in her wet hair, dry her hair while rolled and Voila! Well, once I had them all in she informed me that she didn't like the blow dryer because it is too loud. I tried to explain that her hair wouldn't curl if we didn't dry it. Uncle Vito to the rescue! She gave in when it was suggested that we would use the blow dryer on low AND Uncle Vito would hold her hand through out the whole ordeal. Perfect. Anyway, we did what we could, but it was still a little too damp to hold much of a curl. I did the best I could. She made it very clear with the look on her face when we were done - "Uh, where are the curls?" Busted. But with a little twisting and looping and a bobby pin we made something happen! Then, this morning we walked to the park, went to the craft store, came home and made Nana a special surprise and then Sammi was off to soccer! An event filled day! I took a ton of pictures, so I am posting the link back to Kodak again so they can be viewed as a slide show. P.S. I have had some requests for the funny face...which is actually Dada's drunk face when playing poker. Nico's is from teething, but it still seems to run in the family. It's not that I think it's adorable - because it's not all that cute -it's just funny.
Nice work Auntie Janah and Uncle Vito. Sammi had a great time and loves spending time with you guys. Love the hair...
What's up with the look?
Tell me he was trying to show off his teeth!
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