Thursday, February 19, 2009

Car Fun

So I am having trouble with Blogger...what else is new...and my video camera. Guess that means I get a new one.

Here is another video of Nico. This is a Christmas present from Uncle Ryan, Auntie Crissy and Sammi. He. loves. it.

Of course, it doesn't fit all that well in the living room, but he manuevers it all over the place, so I guess there is "just enough" room to play with it.

The next video I post, he'll probably already have his license as quick as he's growing!


Amato family said...

I love how you're posting videos for Vito! I never saw this ball pit car toy before. I may just have to get one myself. Looks like lots of fun! I made the mistake just this week of letting Brayden ride in the car shopping cart at the grocery store. And sure enough, we went back today and he raced right to it.

Lisa Armand said...

That kids drives like his Uncle Cody. You better begin defensive driving classes now!

Leah said...

That is one cool toy.
I love the slobbery kisses!
He sure is growing up and still remains too cute for words.