Sunday, March 22, 2009

Move Over Baby Toys!!!

Nico has made his way to the toddler toys at the park! Vito and I have tried to get him to go down the slide when we take him to the park. He really had no interest in it. He was just fine climbing up and down the stairs and getting trampled by the other kids.

That was until today. I would suggest muting the music and don't set the voulme too high.

I think that it may have felt odd to him to try and go down on his bottom. So he kept trying to crawl up from the bottom. Once he was half way up I would tell him to slide and he loved it. After 3 times, he ran around to the back and I thought for sure he wouldn't go down. But once he went down on his belly, there was no turning back.

Good job Little Buddy!


Lisa Armand said...

Love the new format... no diamonds, but it'll do! HA!!

Leah said...

Good job kid! I think Uncle Calvin can take you on the motorcycle now!

Amato family said...

I love the new design. Cute video of Nico. We were on the slide all day yesterday too. :)

Julia said...

Face first down the slide!!! Nice.