Thursday, August 13, 2009

A first for Mama and Nico

Nico and I went to Austin to see Dada and wrap up some things with the new house. Now that the end is so close, it really has gone by fast! And of course, since I am just one of many great procrastinators in this world, I have managed to leave everything to the last minute.

I got back Wednesday. That is corrext, I said I. Not we. I left Nico with Vito for a week. Although, he will have lots of help from the rest of the family there. I knew it wouldn't be easy. Can't say that I've ever been away from him for more then 2 days. But this is a week.

I was devastated before I even left there! And then I started looking through pictures and came across this...

And this... (Dada, please get his hair cut!)

And then Vito sent me these...

I sure hope I can see through all of these tears long enough to get my packing done!

Here's some more. A trip to the lake, a day in the pool and Nico's cousin Maya and Lola watching a movie.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Nico!

Dear Nico-

Wow how these last two years seemed to take forever to get to today. Yet, at the same time came way too soon.

I have been thinking about this letter for some time now. I knew it would be hard for me to write it without crying. Just because I love you so much and I have so much I want to say to you.

This past year for you has shown all of us so many milestones. You got the hang of that crawling thing and moved onto walking behind all of your push cars. Then you realized that you didn't need any of those and could walk all on your own. As for now, well you have managed to learn how far, how high and how fast those little legs of yours can take you! Son, may your legs continue to take you further and higher and through all of the adventures in your life.

This past year you became aware of your own voice. In so many ways. The inner and the outer voice. "Cracker" seemed to be your first and favorite after "Dada". Soon, everything was a cracker. But that was okay, I always seemed to know what you meant. The sign language you were learning helped you learn the words that followed. Every month that would go by, I could see you focus more on wanting to know what everything was called. Now, the learning process has gone from monthly, to daily and sometimes hourly. I love listening to you talk. It is such a comforting sound. And without fail, always makes me laugh with whatever word combination you come up with. Son, may your outer voice continue to bring joy, laughter and happiness to you and all of those who surround you.

While you were learning to use your sounds to make words, we encountered a few bumps along the way. Knowing what you wanted to say but not having the right words lead us to a large number of communication barriers, also known as tantrums. It was difficult for anyone involved. My heart would break for you because I could see (and most definitely hear) your frustrations. Trying to explain to an impatient toddler what exactly a minute meant was not easy. The ear piercing screeching you would make was used on many occasions as your tool to get me to realize what you were feeling. When you were tired, hungry, mad, angry, happy, scared or just about any emotion you didn't have a word for. Thankfully, we've both become more aware of how you express your feelings. You know how to tug at heart strings, get out of trouble and let it be known you are not happy, all by using those cute facial expressions. Son, may your inner voice continue to help you develop a strong sense of self. Don't ever run from it or try to hide it, it is there to help you be a better person.

Over this past year you have grown leaps and bounds. You have went from my needy, little baby boy to an active, little toddler. You have become self-teaching, like learning to use forks and spoons. You have become energetic and are always up for playing outside or taking a walk. You have become humorous, like when you know a tickle to the foot will make someone laugh. You have become independent, as I have learned by watching you let yourself in and out of the house. You know how to be productive and helpful. You have a sense of organization and order. While easily entertained by others, you are also easily engaged in activities by yourself. You have learned how to be a gentle sweetheart, but are always willing to wrestle around on the floor.

There is so much more to you that we have a lifetime to learn. I know that things may not always be bubbles and fruit snacks. But right now, this is who you are. And while moments may not always be picture perfect, they definitely are memorable. There are also moments that I hope my heart never forgets and my memory never erases.

You make me laugh and cry, sometimes all at once. You make me frustrated and elated. You can exhaust every fiber in me in one moment. Yet, when I need strength, it is from you that I get it.

You make me feel proud, hopeful, protective and encouraged. You never hold anything against me and easily forget my mistakes, even though I am not as reciprocative. Even through all of this learning and growing, doing things right and doing things wrong. The one thing that makes me the happiest is that we get to start each day together. Everyday, I get a chance to be a better mother to you. Each day for us is filled with so much potential. So not one day goes by that I am not happy, thankful or grateful to be able to wake up and have you as my son.

Here's to having a Happy Birthday and many, many more!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

He's a Big Boy Now!

Nico had his first haircut last weekend. Vito needed one of his own, so I decided we would give it a go!

I was a little nervous. And I really didn't think it needed it. I mean it's not like he has a thick head of hair.

However, too many people disagreed with me.

So off came the locks. And now. Well, now my little boy really looks like a little boy!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Easter Break

Nico and I went to Austin for Easter and Daddy's Birthday! 35 already! That's half of 70. We had lots of fun. Nico basically had the time of his life. I mean constant companionship from somebody everyday. He played everyday with Lola and Maya and couldn't have been happier. He also had a great time playing in the cul-de-sac, whether it was alone or with the neighborhood kids.

It was a nice break for me to have Vito pitch in with Nico when he could. He is still really busy with his new job, but he loves it. And that means a lot!

I managed to make it to the design center for the new house and pick most of the things out. But there is still stuff that now I am wishing I had waited on. It feels like it's never going to get here...the house being done. Or even started. We definitely have out hands full between the two of us and being in two states!

I didn't take many pictures while I was there, but here are some from Easter. Nico had a little crush on one of the neighbor girls. It was cute. Although, little Annabella at school will be sad. She is on him like white on rice. Or brown on rice if that's the kind you eat.

The train picture was the day we took the 3 cousins to Zilker Park. They have a train ride there and it was the perfect day for it! Nico loves trains so we thought he would really get a kick out of riding one. It wasn't until about half way through that he realized he was actually on the train. Then he was "choo-choo'ing" the rest of the way.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hang Time with Daddy

Vito came into town for a last minute visit. We had a great weekend! No plans, no "To Do" list, no work. Just relaxing and spending time together. So of course what else is there to do when the weather is beautiful? Head on out to the park!

Sorry Dada, I managed to delete the slide pictures from my Flickr account. I don't understand how I can't get the hang of pictures and videos! Nico talks up a storm now. Granted you can only understand about a quarter of everything he says. But he's trying real hard to communicate with us. It's pretty easy to make him laugh too. Hopefully he'll have his Daddy's sense of humor...or maybe we don't want that?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Move Over Baby Toys!!!

Nico has made his way to the toddler toys at the park! Vito and I have tried to get him to go down the slide when we take him to the park. He really had no interest in it. He was just fine climbing up and down the stairs and getting trampled by the other kids.

That was until today. I would suggest muting the music and don't set the voulme too high.

I think that it may have felt odd to him to try and go down on his bottom. So he kept trying to crawl up from the bottom. Once he was half way up I would tell him to slide and he loved it. After 3 times, he ran around to the back and I thought for sure he wouldn't go down. But once he went down on his belly, there was no turning back.

Good job Little Buddy!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

An Apple A Day....

The other day, at snack time, I had asked Nico if he would like grapes or an apple. Well he decided to grab the apple. I asked him for it and told him I would cut it up. To which he replied, "No." He started trying to bite into it and was having no success. I again asked him for the apple, but he was not about to give it up! So he left the kitchen and got comfy on the couch. And much to my amazement, this is what I saw when I came into the living room.

Of course, all I could think of was if there was a way I could get it from him so that I could wash it off. That's right! I didn't even get a chance to rinse it. But, he was being so good and looked so cute that I decided a few germs weren't going to be the end of the world!

He's something else now-a-days. For the most part, he's pretty fun to have around. He loves to sing the ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Mary Had a Little Lamb and Old McDonald. He knows how to count to five, and thanks to "Da-deee" can also count in increments of five up to fifteen. If you say "Give me 5!" He will count them out for you!

He is very lovey and cuddly, but definitely has his days. He has gotten very good at name associate with both sides of the family. I can pull up a picture and he knows who they are. All in all he is your typical little toddler boy. Only cute as a button!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Car Fun

So I am having trouble with Blogger...what else is new...and my video camera. Guess that means I get a new one.

Here is another video of Nico. This is a Christmas present from Uncle Ryan, Auntie Crissy and Sammi. He. loves. it.

Of course, it doesn't fit all that well in the living room, but he manuevers it all over the place, so I guess there is "just enough" room to play with it.

The next video I post, he'll probably already have his license as quick as he's growing!

Hi Dada

Nico is just growing by the minute. I already have the feeling that he is going to be sick of me by the time he is 13. He has a face that I could kiss every 60 seconds! He's just so yummy!

Things have been okay since Vito has been gone. The first couple of days were the hardest. It was Dada this and Dada that all. day. long. But you'll be glad to know he doesnt' ask about you at all now honey! Just playing. He is still confused because Vito's truck is right in front of the house, and its like he's just waiting to see him come up the steps.

And without further ado, here is some video for Daddy. And of course, for everyone else too.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Some late Christmas pictures

I have so many pictures to go through from Christmas and New Year's. But yet somehow, a lot of them didn't turn out. So I am going to start with these. I have been neglecting this blog and will have to start keeping up on it so Dada can get his Nico fix for the next couple of months.

I am hoping to start taking ore pictures of our ever growing toddler. He 20 months old, and going through all of those phases. He's funny, he temperamental, he laughs, he cries. Some days are never ending, and some days end too soon. The other night I was fortunate enough to be the first to get an "I love you." That was the best early Valentine's Day gift ever!

That's it for now. But I promise to come back and update more!